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VIRTUE Staking

How does staking work in Virtue?

To start staking all you need to do is deposit your VIRTUE token to the Virtue staking contract. Once done you will start earning a pro rata share of the borrowing and redemption fees in vUSD and wSMR.

How much will my staked VIRTUE earn?

Your VIRTUE stake will earn a share of the fees equal to your share of the total VIRTUE staked, at the instant the fee occurred.

Is there a lock-up period?

No, you can withdraw your staked funds at any time.

Can I stake vUSD?

You can only stake VIRTUE tokens. vUSD can be deposited into the Stability Pool instead.

Are staked VIRTUE tokens used to backstop the system (like Maker) or for governance?

No, staked VIRTUE are not used to backstop the Virtue system and are not used for governance as there is no Virtue governance.